Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Fun Events

Wednesday, April 9 - Joy's guest is Russell Louie of Optimum Choices (BioPreparation), one of our wonderful sponsors. His topic will be "Holistic Warning Signs Not to be Ignored." He will be relating several case histories that may have prevented serious disease. Russell will give holistic preventative steps to take so your pet does not become one of the statistics that states nearly 50% of older animals WILL get cancer. For more information about Optimum Choices (BioPreparation), visit www.optimumchoices.com.

Our wonderful sponsors who make the radio show possible are Optimum Choices - www.optimumchoices.com, Pet Essences - www.petessences.com, The Natural Pet Pantry - www.naturalpetpantry.com, Natural Horse Talk - www.naturalhorsetalk.com, Dooley's Dog House - www.dooleysdoghouse.com, and Nurtural Horse - www.nurturalhorse.com and our mention - Holistic Horse Magazine - www.holistichorse.com. Also, supporting Talk With Your Animals - Rainbow Healing at 253-520-1098 or tara_iacolucci@yahoo.com and The "Attractive" Cat Litter Basket - www.sittinpretty.com. Please let our sponsors know that Joy sent you.

April 10, Thursday evening 7 - ??? Dooley's Dog House 2nd YAPPY HOUR. What a hoot...last time they had over 60 dogs join the fun! There will be puppetizers from Simon & Huey's for the dogs, wine from Chateau Le Paws and appetizers from Sasi's and Dino's Cheese spreads for the humans. Planet Poochie is once again staging a spectacular and fun doggie fashion show. For more information, please call 425-889-2200. Dooley's Dog House is located at 1421 Market Street, Kirkland, WA. www.dooleysdoghouse.com

Saturday, April 12 From 1 - 3 PM - New Earth Books, 213 West Meeker Street, Kent, WA. Open Forum - Do you have loved ones, animals or humans, on the other you would like to speak with? Would you like to know what your animals are thinking and feeling? Would you like the perspective of your Soul and Spiritual Guides about anything in your life? Joy will be your medium for this fun and informative event. Cost is $25. To register call New Earth Books at 253-854-4311 or e-mail Martha@talkwithyouranimals.com. To learn more about New Earth Books (formally New Woman Books), please visit www.newwomanbooks.com

As usual, you can listen to Talk With Your Animals on Wednesdays from 12 - 1 PM Pacific Time either on the radio if you live in the Seattle area or over the Internet by going to www.talkwithyouranimals.com then to the radio show links page and click on the listen live button for KKNW. The show can also be heard live on www.1150kknw.com. The radio show replays on www.animalradio.com. Check that website for the times in your area. If you are interested in calling in to ask a question of your pet, the telephone number is 425-373-5527.


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