Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Bitless Bridle

Wednesday, January 23 Zoe Brooks, co-founder of Nurtural Horse and advocate of the bitless bridle is Joy's guest. The bitless bridle forms a cradle around the horse’s head so the rein pressure and release intuitively gives consistent signals to turn, slow or stop your horse. For the rider, it feels no different than riding with a bit ... except that most say they actually ride better because they develop lighter hands and focus on all their aids. The reins attach close to the horse's mouth, so the action is like a bit. For the horse, it is more comfortable and more natural than a bit. Imagine what you can do when your horse is working with you, not just for you! For more information regarding Products to Nurture both the horse and owner, visit www.nurturalhorse.com

The radio show, Talk With Your Animals, broadcasts on Wednesdays from 12 to 1 PM PT. If you are in the Seattle area, tune into 1150AM KKNW. Or you can listen to the show over the Internet by going to the website, www.talkwithyouranimals.com, go to the radio show links page, and then click on the listen live button for KKNW. Telephone number for the radio show is 425-373-5527 so call in and ask a question of your animal kid. The toll free number if you are in Western Washington is 1-888-298-5569.

Our wonderful sponsors of the radio show are Optimum Choices - www.optimumchoices.com, Pet Essences - www.petessences.com, The Natural Pet Pantry - www.naturalpetpantry.com, Natural HorseTalk - www.naturalhorsetalk.com, Eagle Pack Pet Foods - www.eaglepack.com, Dooley's Dog House - www.dooleysdoghouse.com and our mention - Holistic Horse Magazine - www.holistichorse.com. Also, supporting Talk With Your Animals - RainbowHealing at 253-520-1098 or tara_iacolucci@yahoo.com and The "Attractive" Cat Litter Basket - www.sittinpretty.com. Please let our sponsors know that Joy sent you.

Saturday, January 26 From 1 - 4 PM - Pet Pros, 900 Meridian E, Milton, WA. Would you like to know what your animals are thinking and feeling? Do you have animals on the other side you would like to talk with? Are you experiencing behavioral issues your animals? Joy will be at Pet Pros to answer your questions. 5 minutes - $15 or 10 minutes $30. Please call 253-517-0911 to register. For more information about Pet Pros, please visit www.petpros.org. You will also find directions to Pet Pros in Milton on the website.

If you know someone who would like to invest with Joy to buy property for our Center, please have them call her at 425-867-1779 or e-mail Joy@talkwithyouranimals.com.

If you are interested in a private session with Joy, please call 425-867-1779 or go through www.talkwithyouranimals.com. During this time you can talk with your animals, those (human or animal)who have passed over as well as with your Spiritual Guides/Guardian Angels or Soul.


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