Joy's book, The Spiritual Principles of Consciousness and Manifestation is now in e-book format. You can order it on the services and products page on her website, The price of the e-book is $10.00. The following will give you an idea about her book.
Create Your Own Reality...Straight From The Heart. Joy Turner has written a book about nothing less than reality. She wants to talk to you about "the way you perceive it; the way you interpret it; the way you understand it; in fact, the very way you create it; and some tools you can use to re-interpret, re-create it, more the way you would like it to be."
This book shows us that there are certain rules to creating happily in this world. As luck would have it, we all know these rules already. We only need to become aware of what they are.
Once we gain that awareness, we can learn to create from the heart-level, instead of from the heart of fear. Before we know it, we'll be living fully, consciously, and finding everything our Heart's desire.
And Then Joy is setting up 2 New Internet Clubs
Animal Communication Club is being offered to everyone who has taken any of Joy's animal communication classes. Have access to Joy through email to ask her questions about the communication process (not about your animal specifically). Receive help with the following: places you are stuck, move skills to a new level, the type of questions or the way you are asking the questions, your interpretations from the animals, etc.
A club newsletter with questions and answers will be e-mailed once a month to all participants. It is a great way to keep moving forward with your skills after you have taken any of her classes! Receive the first 6 months for the special introductory rate of $60. To sign up and send in your questions, please e-mail
The other club is called Tip of the Week Club. Open to everyone, you will receive Joy's tip of the week about communicating with or understanding more clearly your animal companions, information about new products or services Joy learns about, the latest news about animal related topics, and you will be able to suggest topics you would be interested in hearing about. Receive the first 6 months for the special introductory rate of $60. To sign up and send in your questions, please e-mail