Tuesday, May 13, 2008

This Week - Tele-Seminar & Radio

Wednesday, May 14 One of our wonderful sponsors, Chuck of Dooley's Dog House will be Joy's guest. Dooley's Dog House is where they celebrate the positive impact that dogs and cats have on our lives! They strive to offer products and information that will improve their nutrition, limit their susceptibility to disease and improve their quality of life. www.dooleysdoghouse.com

Dooley's Dog House's event this Saturday, May 17 from 10 AM to 5 PM - "Happy! Healthy! Pet Fair!" - Vendors with information and free samples, cats and dogs up for adoption, local pet sitters, groomers, and more! Last time was a blast in the fall--this time should be even better on a gorgeous Saturday in May!

Tune in to Talk With Your Animals on Wednesdays from 12 - 1 PM Pacific Time either on the radio if you live in the Seattle area or over the Internet by going to www.talkwithyouranimals.com then to the radio show links page and click on the listen live button for KKNW. The show can also be heard live on www.1150kknw.com. The radio show replays on www.animalradio.com. Check that website for the times in your area. If you are interested in calling in to ask a question of your pet, the telephone number is 425-373-5527.

The show is brought to you by Optimum Choices - www.optimumchoices.com, Pet Essences - www.petessences.com, The Natural Pet Pantry - www.naturalpetpantry.com, Natural Horse Talk - www.naturalhorsetalk.com, Dooley's Dog House - www.dooleysdoghouse.com, and Nurtural Horse - www.nurturalhorse.com and our mention - Holistic Horse Magazine - www.holistichorse.com. Also, supporting Talk With Your Animals - Rainbow Healing at 253-520-1098 or tara_iacolucci@yahoo.com and The "Attractive" Cat Litter Basket - www.sittinpretty.com. Please let our sponsors know that Joy sent you.

Saturday, May 17 - Pet Talk with Harrison Forbes: Saturdays from 1:00-3:00 PST on KGIL 1260/540AM in LA and you can be a part of the show by calling 1-888-458-1260 during the broadcast. At 2:30 PM Pacific Time Joy will be discussing how she got involved with Talk With Your Animals. www.harrisonforbes.com

Thank you to all who came to the Average Joe Cat Show. As always, it was a pleasure to meet new friends and reconnect with old friends. Joy's next event is her tele-seminar.

Sunday, May 18 from 1 - 3 PM Pacific Time - Joy's first Tele-Seminar titled Open Forum - If you have always wanted to come to one of Joy's seminars and didn't want to travel to their locations, this is the seminar for you. You can join in a seminar entitled Open Forum by calling a conference phone number entering a code, and stay home during the seminar. People have the opportunity during the tele-seminar to talk with animals, those who have crossed over (both animal or human). You can also speak with your Spiritual Guides, Guardian Angels and Soul about any issues or things you might want clarification on. During the Open Forum you can also ask questions about anything you want including creating and manifesting the life you desire. The cost is $25 plus long distance telephone charges if applicable. To reserve your spot, contact Martha at 206-850-6485 or e-mail Martha@talkwithyouranimals.com. Upon confirmation of your reservation, you will receive telephone number and access code for the tele-seminar. At the appointed time, simply call the phone number and enter the code when the recording asks for it. You will be connected to the call and have the opportunity to ask your question.


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